Question about Uni-Star Scholarship
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I heard from students of UNIST that prizewinners of international olympiads get special scholarship monthly. Can I see the list of international olympiads which are legitimized by UNIST? I will finish school next year and I want to study at UNIST. Also I will participate in International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) next summer. So I wonder can I get this scholarship if I will be prizewinner on IOAA?
Thank you for your interest in UNIST admisson. We provide excellecnt shcolarship to international students with outstanding academic achievement. Students awarded at International Olympiad such as IPhO, IMO, IChO or relevant outstanding academic achievements are eligible for UNIST Global Unistar scholarship. However, it would not guarantee to receive the scholarship. We will decide students for Global Unistar Scholar ship among eligible students in the process of admission. If you are awared at International Olympiad, there would be high possibility to receve the scholarsip. If you want to know more, please refer to the scholarsihp section on this web site. Thank you.