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Ibrahim AbdelMoteleb12월 28, 2015


My name is Ibrahim. I am an Egyptian 18 years old senior student. I speak three languages: French, English and Arabic. I am going to finish high school in the upcoming July.

I have a few questions if you do not mind answering:

1- The application deadline is in February. I will not obtain my high school leaving exam results before mid July. When does the admission open once more?

2- You mentioned that international students get scholarship in their first semester. Does that include dorm?

3- What sort of “work” will the “campus working scholarship” students do?

4- Where can I obtain information about living expenses such as nutrition ones in Korea?

Dear, Ibrahim Thank you for your interest in UNIST admission. Please refer to the below for your queries. 1. 2017 spring admission will be on July, but the specific schedule has not fixed yet. Detailed information will be posted on the website afer 2016 fall admission. 2. Dorm fee is charged to students. 3. For example, students participating in campust working program will assist staff in the each team 4. Please visit, dorm website( FYI, Halal food has not provided. But, students can cook in the common kitchen of the dorm Best regards,