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Sang Ah Kang4월 08, 2015


I am trying inquire about the application process. My parents decided that they want me to go to school in Korea hopefully starting in Fall 2015, but if not Spring 2016. I am a Korean citizen who has been studying abroad in Guam basically all my life. I was wondering if I am still able to apply for Fall 2015 or would I have to wait and apply for Spring 2016? And would I be applying as an International student or a Domestic student? I am also currently enrolled and attending a University in the United States.

Sang Ah Kang (Sandy)

Dear Sang Ah Kang Thank you for your interest in UNIST admission. The dossier evaluation for 2015 fall admission is now in progress. In this regards, I would like to inform you that you will apply for the 2016 spring admission. Also, If you study abroad more than 12 years, You can apply as an international student. Hopefuly, This will be helpful for you. Thank you very much. Best, UNIST