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I am a mechatronics engineering student who already finished first year but I am interested in transferring to UNIST to study nuclear engineering under UNIST Global Dream Scholarship or campus working scholarship, hence I want to know the procedures that I have to go through to transfer, would I proceed my studies directly or do I have to take orientation courses since I already did that here regardless of finishing the first year courses and In case that I was not accepted in the scholarship would I be able to study and obtain another one
I am an Egyptian but studying in Malaysia
I would be thankful if you could send me the study plan of nuclear engineering and fees structure
Thanks in advance
Dear, Abdulrahman
Thank you for your interst in UNIST admission. Regarding your query, I would say that we don't have transfer program. If you still want to study at UNIST, you are required to apply for UNIST international admission and study from from freshman year. Please refer to the admission guidelines on the website.
Best regards,
UNIST Admission